Manage My Property take a zero tolerance approach to being involved in illegal/illicit activity, and will fully comply with all relevant sections of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and future amendments.
This means that we have to obtain and hold identification and proof of address for all customers. Additionally, we may also be required to establish who the legal owner is of the property and/or beneficial owners.
Our AML Policies and Procedures can be viewed here (last updated 25th July 2024)
We also adhere to the new regulations from 14th May 2025 for Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI). Checking all Tenants and Landlords against the register and reporting any suspicious activity/persons.
Below is a list of acceptable identity documents. We require sight of all original or certified documents or a live video stream of the customer with their documents.
Proof of ID
Valid Passport.
Proof of Address
Utility Bill
Council tax
Bank or Credit card statement
HMRC Tax statement
Driving Licence